Yoga for back pain Singapore
More information on yoga for back pain Singapore.
Reasons for Back Pain Back pain is something which is not due to any diseases if your back muscles are misused in the wrong way such as sitting for long hours, lifting a weight that’s not been practiced, sleeping in a wrong position these things can really affect your back muscles.
1) Herniated Disc
2) Sciatica
3) Spinal Stenosis
4) Arthritis
Yoga for back pain Singapore
Check our More general health programs @ General Health Programs
Three Yoga Poses to Resolve Depression Depression and Anxiety should be avoided totally, Yoga can definitely bring these into normal, here are the top 3 Yoga poses that can deal with your depression and cure it.
1) Uttasana standing forward fold
2) Urdhuva Dhanurasana upward facing bow
3) Corpse Pose Savasana
If you have back pain, Yoga could be your best friend. For most of us, cleaning isn’t fun, especially if you suffer from chronic pain. Ease your lower back pain with a simple yoga sequence with Workhealthplace.
Tip for Low Back Pain
Don’t cross your legs!
Sitting cross-legged makes it difficult to keep your spine straight and shoulders squared, and you risk overstretching the muscles around the pelvis, upping your risk of varicose veins by interrupting blood flow. So uncross and relax.
Workhealthplace has Yoga classes for back pain in Singapore.
Check our More Back pain relief programs @ Health Programs
Also there are much more at which provides you all at your workplace so that you can focus on your health even by not disturbing your daily life.
Workplacehealth bring yoga, dance & fitness classes to the companies and encourage employees to stay healthy. On top of that, we also organize health talks and other mental health programs to help employees to stay fit.
Stay healthy not only physically but also mentally.For more such blog posts, stay tuned! Also, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.