Scoliosis Treatment Singapore
Scolisis problem is very common in today’s world. This is modern era and everyone is keen to work daily morning till evening.
Some person working at some IT firm or anywhere. They have to sit or stand in a particular position full day.
That arises many problems in their body physically as well as mentally.
Scolisis is one of the major problems from these.
In this problem, Our Spinal joints become disjointed and so our spinal cord bend a bit as shown in this picture.

Scoliosis Treatment Singapore
What is the take away from the talk?
- Understanding on the various types of posture
- Understanding proper posture and its benefit
- Undersanding on the results of poor posture
- Identiy their own posture and the correction method
- Various correction method suitable for people with different posture
- 01 hour
- 5 hours
- 02 hours
- At your compay premises
- Location that you prefer
Attire / Dress Code
- Preferably comfortable stretchable clothing
The talk is interactive, with examples, demonstration, partner / group work and also hands on practise of the correction methods demonstrated. Duration of the talk can be either 1 or 2 hours. A 2 hours talk is recommended as it gives more sufficient time to cover the corrective methods which will beneficial.
If you and your colleagues wish to benefit from this talk, please write to us at enquiry@workplacehealth.sg , whatsapps us at +65 90683785. Alternatively you can also visit our website at www.workplacehealth.sg for more details.
Check our More Scoliosis treatment Singapore programs @ Health Programs
Also there are much more at https://workplacehealth.sg
Workplacehealth bring yoga, dance & fitness classes to the companies and encourage employees to stay healthy. On top of that, we also organize health talks and other mental health programs to help employees to stay fit.
Stay healthy not only physically but also mentally.For more such blog posts, stay tuned! Also, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.